
could a vampire still drink someone's blood if that person had leukemia?

could a vampire still drink someone's blood if that person had leukemia?
if i'm not mistaken, leukemia is basically cancer of the blood. so would anything happen to the vampire? or would it just not taste good?

- Julie R
well I don't know if the vampire would tell if the person had leukemia, but if he didn't and drank the blood then he would have leukemia as well.

- Anubis512
luckily vampires don't exsist.
it'd probably be bad for the vampire though.

- Belle
Oh brother! Stop the hallucinates!!!

- Raven Claw
Sure, he'll just have to have a v8 after.

- King_Duck
You're totally misunderestimating vampires. A vampire could crawl across hot coals and drink your blood through a straw. A vampire could pogo stick into your room and suck your blood with a vaccuum cleaner. A vampire could backflip off a diving board and suck your eyes out of your head before he hit the water. A vampire could break into your house, kill your mom, dress in her clothes and then convince you that it really is your mother, and then it could cook pancakes for you in the morning.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

Do you find what you need? Look here!

Battling and Beating Cancer -- Children With Leukemia & Lymphoma Part 2.

Dr. Seth Corey, Director of Oncology Research and Co-director of the Hematology and Oncology Fellowship Program at Children's Memorial Hospital, discusses "Children With Blood Cancer" with Chicago Blood Cancer Founders Charlene McMann and Scott Seaman. Children's Memorial Hospital is one of the leading treatment centers for pediatric blood cancer. Dr. Corey discusses various forms of pediatric lymphoma and leukemia, the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, prognosis, and special considerations for treating children with blood cancer. Watch this episode of "must see cancer TV."

Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

Orignal From: could a vampire still drink someone's blood if that person had leukemia?

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