
Most deadly cancer and no progress part 2?

Most deadly cancer and no progress part 2?
Quote Here are the five year survival data from the ACS 2008

All sites 66%
Breast 89%
Colon 65%
Leukemia 50%
Lung cancers 16%
Melanoma 92%
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma64%
Pancreas 5%
Prostate 99%
Rectum 66%
Urinary bladder 81%


Explain the above better? Are you saying if some one gets Leukemia you have a 50% chance of living ?

Quote Note that most are still cured with surgery
- not by chemotherapy.
- - - - Quote

What do you mean?

Quote You are correct about pancreatic, gastric, and lung cancers having little progress and very poor survivals. The cancer society data above indicates that Denise is right about prostate carcinomas not having a poor five year survival. Let's look at the number one killer = Lung cancers.Quote

Can you or some one elaborate.

there no cancer progress in lung cancer, pancreatic cancer , stomach cancer ,prostate cancer and cholangiocarcinoma cancer in the past 5 to 10 years

- Psn Boost
I'm not sure what your question is, so I'm going to make one up and answer it. I'm going to pretend you want to know what the significance of the 5 year survival rate is and why some cancers have a higher mortality than others.

The 5 year survival rate is exactly what it sounds like: the percentage of patients who are still alive 5 years after their diagnosis. Some cancers, like pancreatic cancer have a pathetic 5 year survival because they are clinically silent, only becoming obvious and coming to medical attention near the end of the disease, when the cancer is too advanced to effectively treat other than palliatively. It's 5 year survival rate is only 5%, which means the other 95% died sometime before the 5th anniversary of their diagnosis.

Other conditions, such as breast cancer have a pretty good 5 year survival rate, nearly 90%, and prostate cancer, 99%. Most patients with prostate cancer are alive after 5 years not owing to medical or surgical intervention, but simply because prostate cancer is slow growing. It's like killing someone with a spoon: it's going to take a long time, and they will probably die from something else, like a fall or a car crash, before the cancer kills them.

Breast cancer really exhibits the utility of the 5 year survival rate. Breast cancer can be detected and effectively treated or cured if caught early enough (as can nearly all cancers, making cancer the most curable chronic disease). In fact, the 5 year survival rate for stage 1 breast cancers is nearly 100%. Left untreated, however, the disease progresses and the cancer metastasizes, at which point, the 5 year survival plummets as low as 20-25%. Your list clearly shows that overall breast cancer survival is nearly 90%, which is very high - in fact, preposterously high for a disease that is very capable of shortening a woman's life. We would expect the overall 5 year survival to be somewhere between 100 and 25%, but much lower than the 90% reported in your list... unless we consider that something is being done by physicians and surgeons that is effectively decreasing overall mortality from breast cancers, raising the overall survival closer to the 100% side of the spectrum than the 25% side. The reason for the excellent survival is that it is possible to detected breast cancer early enough (as opposed to pancreatic cancer) and to then affect a curative treatment. This is reflected by the overall 5 year survival, which is used as a measure of the effectiveness of cancer treatment and detection modalities.

Most common cancers in men or women:
1) sex specific (prostate ca. in men, br ca. in women)
2) colon ca.
3) lung ca.

Most common cancer deaths (essentially the opposite order of the most common causes of cancer):
1) lung ca.
2) sex specific (prostate ca. in men, br ca. in women)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

Orignal From: Most deadly cancer and no progress part 2?

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