
Single mom, alone in this.?

Single mom, alone in this.?
My one yr. old daughter? High white blood cells? Leukemia/infection? Help?
My daughter has had an ear infection off and on for two months now. She has had 5 antibiotics for this.
I brought her to the dr. today, and she still has an ear infection in both ears. She had a blood test, and it showed that she has an extremely high white blood cell count.
normal is 12,000, my daughter's is 18,000. Dr. said, that it means there is an infection somewhere.
Blood tests were done, because Dr.s said there could be an infection in her blood.
My question is? I looked up high white blood cell counts, and leukemia, and infection came up, when I looked up high white blood cells in children, leukemia comes up, w/ syptoms, including: Red eyes, abrnormal sleeping, as in restlesness/or drowsiness, well my daughter is staying up! I have been up for almost 72 hrs. I have my godmother over to help, because I need some sleep.
My daughter had a 106 fever last night. Urgent care, told me that if her fever reaches 103 tonight, to bring her straight to the hospital.
So..... is htis leukemia, please tell me it's not.
It could just be an infection from the ear right? I don't even know what to do i am so lost right now.
I thought she had pink eye, i asked the dr, she said, well it could be, and then did the blood test, and found the high white cell count, which they said is very high, extremely high, as they put it.
I'm a single mom, live on my own, my family is two hours away, and I begged my mom to come up, I have been hysterical, she won't come up, because her friend is putting his dad in the nursing home tomorrow, and she is going with. Her priorities are all screwed up, or am I being selfish? I am so lost!

- marcilevijr
1st of all, Leukemia cannot be diagnosed by strangers on the internet. It is obvious that your little girl is very sick and if it were me I would have taken her straight to the ER last night instead of Urgent Care. Hopefully you live near a Childrens Hospital, as that would be your best option. Personally, I would take her to the ER if a fever presented over 100 as this can be very dangerous for her and she obviously isn't getting the care she needs from her primary PhD.

Not even going to touch on the dynamics of your family other than saying you need to take care of yourself as well as your daughter and it was wise to call your God Mother for help.

Good luck, hope all is better soon.

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Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

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Orignal From: Single mom, alone in this.?

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