
will my husband get deported for his third DUI even though he fully supports his child with leukemia?

will my husband get deported for his third DUI even though he fully supports his child with leukemia?

- Judith
There is really no way to answer this as there is not enough information.

- George L
Well, does he have a green card? if he's here illegally, he may very well. If he's a green card holder, maybe not. However, If his license was suspend when he got arrested for the 2nd or 3rd offense, then the odds go up considerably as that would be considered a crime of moral turpitude and would be an ineligibility.

- Loving those Mexicans
if he is here Illegally and the law contacts the Department of Immigration you can almost bet on it....good luck with the child, hope all is well..

- Evie B
I am not sure what his legal status in this Country is but it seems to me that if his child has leukemia, He would better spend his time taking care of his child then putting everyone around him at risk by driving drunk. He is a time bomb and he is going to kill another innocent. I can sympathize that his child is sick but can not excuse him for putting everyone else at risk because of his own selfishness.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

Do you find what you need? Look here!

CaringBridge -- Testimonial for Child With Acute Myeloid Leukemia

At the age of three, Taylor was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. She underwent multiple rounds of chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. During this treatment, her mother made a page for Taylor on CaringBridge.org to reach out to other families experiencing AML. The CaringBridge community provided encouragement and a reminder that they are not the only ones dealing with AML. With high hopes and support from others, Taylor's family had hope for Taylor's AML treatment. Fortunately, Taylor has improved and is now enjoying her childhood years.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

Orignal From: will my husband get deported for his third DUI even though he fully supports his child with leukemia?

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