
What are some diseases linked with droughts and floods?

What are some diseases linked with droughts and floods?
I know that droughts and floods are linked to some diseases. What are the names of these diseases?

They can be directly or indirectly related to floods and droughts.

Thank you!

- Sparky
Diarrhea, malaria, other mosquito-borne diseases.

Cholera (a water-borne disease) is usually pretty rampant in flooded areas. Also, general sickness from human waste (more in third-world countries) where the sewage system is affected by the flooding.

- kevin m
floodwater contaminated with human waste definately increases the chance of spreading diseases like cholera. it is not 'mostly a third world issue' (like sparky said) , rather it common occurence where flooding occurs and people drink contaminated water. If i remember clearly, there were a few reported cases in New Orleans after Katrina.

to answer your question, feacal colliform bacteria and E.coli thrive in contaminated flood water and cause dysentry, typhoid,gastroenteritis, and sometimes hepatitis A on human contact.

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