
Can i have leukemia for 7months without having symptoms get worse?

Can i have leukemia for 7months without having symptoms get worse?
i have been feeling weird for around 7 months now and i have general anxiety disorder but even when that calms down i still feel weird is it possible that the symptoms of the anxiety can be constant? but what i'm wondering is could i have acute leukemia for 7 months without the symptoms getting worse or would i be feeling quite ill by now?? thanks very much!!
yeah i've been to the doctor about 7 times and also seen a few other doctors but coz i have anxiety i seem to think they just assume it's that so i'm just seeing what other people think or maybe someone has been in the same situation

- Alex
Dude, why are you asking this online? What are you gonna go, go to the doctor and say "Hey, someone online told me I might have leukemia, can you check me out please" Just go to a doctor..

- Gracinda
If you had acute leukemia you'd be quite ill a while ago.
Chalk this one up to the anxiety!

- Lulu
Its probably anxiety? If you had Leukemia you would feel very ill? Dr's know the symptoms and signs of Leukemia so please just relax!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

Orignal From: Can i have leukemia for 7months without having symptoms get worse?

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