
Does hair grow after Chemo?

Does hair grow after Chemo?
I'm 15 and I have pre leukemia cells and I'm suppose to use the chemotheraphy treatment for 1 week. I'm really scare!!!! I was wondering will my hair grow back and how fast, please help if you have exprience with it or know someone who does. PLEASEEE! And will everyone loses their eye lashes too or just randomly people? thanks everyone for answeringggg! xoxoxo wish me luck!

- Philllip
Yes but it might not grow back the same color.

- Jonesy
Yes it does grow back.

god bless and good luck.

- Babesssssss :)
aww u should watch my sisters keeper...

sorry i really dont know anything but just giving you my luck!!

all the best hope everything works out :)

- Glutton4Punishment
Every bit of hair will fall out during chemotherapy, but when it stops your hair will grow back. At your age, your peers should be understanding and you won't have to worry about being ridiculed for not having hair for a while.

- RyanJF
It's a bit different for everybody, with the eyebrows - I've known some people that lose them, others that don't. It would probably also depend on how intensive the treatment you are receiving is.

The same applies to the amount of time it will take for hair to grow back - it won't all fall out at once, and once it does, you should expect it to take somewhere from 1-5 months to grow back, with 3 being about average. Good luck, and don't worry about it much - your life and health are more important than your appearance for a few months, though I'm sure you'll still be concerned.

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