
Do most people live a full life if they have leukemia?

Do most people live a full life if they have leukemia?
This guy i know whos probably like 16 or around there was recently diagnosed with leukemia, thats all i know about it right now. Is he going to live or will this for sure kill him soon? Ide say more details if i could, but thats all i know though. Is going to be in the hospital for the rest of his life? Will he be able to go back to school when it starts again?

It kind of depends on what kind he has, but leukemia is not the death sentence it once was. He's got youth on his side. He will probably be sick for awhile but be able to have a normal life.

- shizzle
thanks to modern medicine, the *vast* majority of people with leukemia LIVE...he'll likely go through chemo and be just fine...as far as returning to school, that all depends on how he feels...i'd say he's far more likely to be back around january.

- cat
My roommate had lukemia when he was around 13 and 14, and he celebrated his 20th birthday this year! 6 or 7 years later, he is still going strong with no problems and/or reccurences as of yet!
I think you can rest easy, because it won't "for sure" kill him. And no, he won't be in the hospital for the rest of his life. He may miss a lot of school, because of the treatments and the severity of his illness, but once he gets treatment and if the cancer goes into remission, yes, he will be able to return to school once again!

- Memere RN/BA
Most leukemia patients are alive because of the technology we have now. A bone marrow transplant is done if chemo doesn't work. But leukemia doesn't mean a life time in the hospital, it doesn't mean certain death and yes, he should be able to go back to school. If it's caught in time, they can get it in remission as well. Hope he does well. God bless

- Indigo
well, it depends on a lot of things, how far progressed it is, what type it is, if it's spread etc. But, the survival rate for leukemias are all pretty good, except for AML which is 50%, but ALL (common for kids) has over an 80% survival rate. There is a good chance he'll live and be perfectly fine within a few years, but he'll have to go through chemo and everything, which is hard
but after chemo, or even during it depends, he can return to school and live a normal life

Add your own answer in the comments! Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

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