
How can I get rid of a tumor on a goldfish's head?

How can I get rid of a tumor on a goldfish's head?
One of the goldfish in my preschool classroom has had a growing tumor on his head for the past 6-8 months. It started out small, and at first I thought it was part of his skin. They are regular goldfish, not popeye ones. I have tried a variety of meds-nothing has worked. The kids are always asking me why he has the tumor and I tell them he has a boo-boo. It does not seem to hinder the fish in any way.

- crazyem
It's a goldfish. Just let him be. If it really bothers you to look at him, get rid of him. But any attempt to remove the tumor will probalby just hurt him. Goldfish don't live terribly long anyway.

- Jon V
This might be another one of those rare times I'd say consult with a vet. I probably feel this might kill that goldfish in the long run, and if thats the medical diagnosis, the best thing to do, as hurtful as it might be on the children, you may be better off euthanizing it now before this tumor causes the fish difficulty in moving and eating and all it's normal functions.


- chfbupers
Dude, it's just a goldfish. There's nothing you can do.

- tampatarantula
IF the tumor does not hinder the fish I would suggest not attempting to remove it.Unless the fish has insurance,in which case corrective surgery can be done.

- Celes
how big is the tumor now? how old is your fish? i would say to consult a vet, but as far as i know there is really no effective medicine for tumors. leave it if the fish still acts normal. i hate to say this but you may need to euthanize the fish if it starts to suffer.

i really really hope it will get better. it's always heartbroken to see them sick and suffer.

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