
How can I get my website out there and seen by people?

How can I get my website out there and seen by people?
I am running a fundraiser for a family in need. The son is a ten year old boy that has been diagnosed with a deadly disease similar to Leukemia, and it has no cure. They are racking up medical bills. We'd like to help. www.brannonsstory.org was set up to take donations, but I don't know how to get the word out. How can I get some free publicity for this site, so that we can help this family out? Brannon is facing a bone marrow transplant after the Chemo treatments he is currently getting. But the parents are struggling with the costs the medications and treatments and now may have to travel for the surgery. Please help!

- artgal
Send e-mail to the major 24 hour news channels they maybe interested in such a story.Go to your local news paper.Good luck to you and this blessed boy that has a friend like you!

- Allison
There may be more than one way to raise the money. I have recently gone to a couple of transplant fundraisers; the one that seemed to do the best was at a pizza restaurant. The recipient got 10% of the checks, plus she had an extra donation basket that was full when I left. I didn't know her; I simply found out because her family & friends put flyers on mailboxes. You could do that, and then get money to the fund. (I imagine they have already done some fundraisers like this, but though tI would mention it).

If someone you know owns a store, ask if you can put copies of the story on people's cars in their parking lot.

The other thing you could do would be to ask people to put a link to it on their Facebook pages, and have the people put a blurb on their status section.

Give your answer to this question below! Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

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deadly dust - tödlicher staub: weg mit depleted uranium (DU)

dies ist ein "teaser" zu dem film von frieder wagner, gesehen auf nuoviso.de bei "nina hagen - unzensiert". sehr sehr empfehlenswert! filme wie "deadly dust" (nehme ich an), oder "der arzt aus basra" (siehe angebotnene links) sind erhältlich als video für ca. 30 euro bei ochowa-film@t-online.de dies ist nur ein ausschnitt des films von nina hagen. überspringt einfach wenn ihr es nicht mögt ihre einleitung aus gesang, danach ist alles sehr wichtig!!! so wird dort zum beispiel offenbart, dass die weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) in den 90er jahren eine studie veröffentlicht hat, nach der in den heutigen jahren jeder dritte deutsche mindestens einmal in seinem leben an krebs erkrankt, in den nächsten zehn jahren 2/3!!! das betrifft uns alle!!! informiert euch und handelt. augen auf!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

Orignal From: How can I get my website out there and seen by people?

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