
I think i have leukemia at 21?

I think i have leukemia at 21?
So i have been having chronic symptoms for a long time now, some lasting for years, others more recent. I have joint pain, particularly my jaw which rotates sides. My hands and feet also get stiff, and will itch/turn purple sometimes, especially in cold weather. I also have swollen lymph nodes that hurt, and when i touch them i feel them moving, and these rotate sides, sometimes i feel the elft one more, and sometimes the right. I have chronic headaches. My ears have issues too, they will occasionally ring, but more improtantly if i hear a loud noise, or if i talk too loudlt they will pop. I have chronic stomach issues, and feel nauseous every morning, and lose weight and strength quickly. I have no appetite, even drinking ensure is hard for me. A few months ago i was 180 pounds with a lower bodyfat, and now im 170 with a higher one, and MUCH WEAKER. i also have cognitivally gotten very bad. I used to be very smart but now icant do basic skills anymore. I have massive fatigue all the time, and am always tired, and cant even sleep when i try. My platelet counts are consistently low, and my last test had my lowest numbers yet at 120,000. Even though its not dangerously low, i think combined with my clinical symptoms this needs to be addressed. My mpv was high. Low platelets and high mpv indicates in my eyes that I am producing new platelets due to the high volume size since new platelets are the biggest, but there is a suggestion via my low paltelet count that i am killing them off somehow. My hemoglobin is always slightly elevated as well. Also for my age, my testosterone is pretty low. It's not dangerously low, but for a guy aged 21 it is not where the average levels are. I honestly fear I have leukemia. I also get dizzy a lot, am cold intolerant, and often have a feeling like i have a cold. I'm very pale.

btw i have an oncologist appt on the 25th...but they marked it as a hematology appt since my referral is for low platelets. Im scared he wont listen to me, and wil lsay my platelets are not low enough to be taken seriously. Im also scared of doing a bone marrow biopsy. I a a weightlifter and am scared my marrow will not grow

- tod m
diabetes causes kidney problems, fatigue, dizziness, bad circulation (cold feeling) and other problems. avoid sugar and high amounts of carbohydrates. get tested, it's the only way you will know.

- TrueSnapdragon
I'm not sure why you think you have leukemia. Your platelets are slightly low, not low enough to indicate something seriously wrong. Low hemoglobin is normally associated with leukemia, not high hemoglobin. When people with leukemia experience dizziness, it's often from low hemoglobin, which you do not have.

It sounds like you may be dealing with something autoimmune. Your physical symptoms are more in line with that than something like leukemia. Autoimmune conditions can cause altered blood counts as well as joint pain, itchiness, cognitive impairment, etc. Quite honestly, I see a lot of leukemia, and the symptoms I see at diagnosis are not what you've mentioned.

I don't think that a bone marrow biopsy will even be suggested for you. I suspect they marked your appointment as hematology because that's exactly what you need to see- hematology. Hematology and oncology are often together as a specialty- many oncologists are also hematologists. If you are seeing a pediatric group, it is even more likely for the doctors to be hem/oncs and not one or the other. You're probably not, but in pediatric hem/onc, we do see people your age.

- K
Dont be worried they wont believe you, if they dont or dismiss your symptoms, see another doctor. It doesnt mean that you have leukemia though, only the doctor will be able to tell you that after a number of tests.

The main signs and symptoms of some types of Leukemia are:

* Anaemia caused by a lack of red blood cells.

* Feeling very tired or breathless.

* Feeling generally unwell and run-down, perhaps with a sore throat or sore mouth.

* Aching joints and bones.

* Having various infections one after the other.

* Unusual bleeding caused by a reduction in the number of platelets. This may include bruising very easily, heavy periods in women, bleeding gums, and frequent nose bleeds.

If you have any of these symptoms you should have them checked by your doctor - but remember, they are common to many illnesses other than leukaemia.

For more straighforward info about the range of symptoms and causes of the different types of leukemia check out these online fact sheets: http://www.nowwhat.org.au/info/cancer-types/leukaemia

Add your own answer in the comments! Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

Orignal From: I think i have leukemia at 21?

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