
is people with Leukemia the closest thing to vampires?

is people with Leukemia the closest thing to vampires?
if I try to put myth into reality, this is my answer??
patients with leukemia tent to be paler and need blood transfusions everyone once on a while.... does it sounds vampairsh

- Akiko
How the hell do you compare someone with cancer to a mythical blood sucking creature?
What is wrong with you?

- Frank
No. People with rabies are the closest things to vampires and are believed to be the source of the vampire myths.

People in advanced stages of rabies are photophobic (bright light hurts their eyes), aggressive, and hypersexual.

Add in the association with bats, and you've got a lock.

Someone actually tracked several rabies outbreaks and correlated them to increased popularity of vampire myths over time.

See my source for more info.

- nikki s
Well it is a disease of the blood, so maybe you are close, but i think people with bad cases of anaemia would be more like it. they are extremely pale and need massive amounts of iron everyday. one lady i worked with had to put raw liver in a blender and drink it, that seems more vampirish to me

- SilverLynx

^ This is the true vampire disease. And it is quite easily solved by the person drinking human blood.

While rabies is perhaps more common, Porphyria is downright chilling in how dead on it is for vampirism.

Leukemia wouldn't be high on my list of "things that make you like a vampire".

- Charlie
That's an awful thing to say. Seriously. Leukemia is no joke. Don't even compare it to modern day fantasies such as vampirism. Really - what is wrong with you? Leave that stuff alone.

Add your own answer in the comments! Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

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