
Questions about CML life expectancy?

Questions about CML life expectancy?
I was diagnosed with Chronic Myleogenous Leukemia 2 yrs ago....Unfortunatley I have no insurance and am unable to get treatment or even see my doctor without a deposit. I am applying for temp. SSI so I can get insurance. So since my diagnosis I have only seen a couple doctors for various colds and pnemonia's but not an oncologist and nobody will give me an real answers on my CML. Can any one tell me the life expectancy if left untreated? And the symptoms I can be expecting? I am constantly tired and always have a cold but thats all I've noticed. I'm really scared and my family is very unsupportive- my mom died when I was 13 of diabetes and renal failure and my aunts don't want to deal with another sick person in the family so they are of no support to me. So I'm on my own with this one and very scared. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks for listening...........

- I love all my J's.
I'm sure you've done some research but all I can really offer is this website.


I hope it is helpful for you. I would strongly suggest to keep on top of getting some type of insurance.

Perhaps you can find a job which does cover health insurance, so your not applying for something temp.

According to the website, you'll need to start treatment soon.

Please don't look at things as how much time you have left but try to prolong your life by fighting for it.

Research alternatives; herbal or diet.

Try anything.

I'm sorry for your loss and it's pretty sad you have no one to turn to.

Try a support group.

Best of luck to you.

- toollady
I am so sorry about your illness, and will pray for your health and for a cure. Go to the following link:

after you check out that page, click on "Prognosis" and check it out. Wikipedia is where I go to get most of my answers. I hope this helps you. I am so saddened that you aren't able to get the medical help you need. We shouldn't have to worry about things like insurance when we are going thru this type of stuff. Good Luck! Please keep us informed of your health issues.

- midnightmoon62
Have you tried applying for medicaid? I realize that the financial limits are crazy low, but if you can liquidate your assets in a way that would allow you to qual, it may be worth it. I mean, if you die with cancer what difference is having those assets gonna make?

Cml can actually go a while untreated, and possibly a full life with treatment.

www.leukemia-lymphoma.org can give some info

- luke
The prognosis will depend on the severity of CML. If left untreated, you may live for as short as 42 months to as long as 117 months. Also, symptoms like malaise, fever, increased susceptibility to infections, anemia, easy bruising, splenomegaly may get even worse.
But don't give up on hope just yet.
In our hospital, we are treating about 200 patients who have CML. Like them, you might be able to avail of free Imatinib (Gleevec) through GIPAP and the kindness of Novartis Oncology and The Max Foundation. Visit their website: https://www.maxaid.org for details. The website also has links to CML support groups.
Good Luck to you!

- katty.pitt
I would check out MySimpleCard immediately. It could reduce the costs 50% or more, depending on your financial situation. Do not delay!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

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