
What are some diseases similar to tuberculosis and could be mistaken as Tuberculosis?

What are some diseases similar to tuberculosis and could be mistaken as Tuberculosis?
So I am researching tuberculosis, and I have to answer the question:

If it isn't your exact disease, what else could it be?

So essentially I have to find diseases with the same signs and symptoms, ones that may act in the same way or cause your body to look the same way as tuberculosis.

I then have to talk about how they are similar and why. Any help would be great. Thanks.

- tell me tell me tell me
So other mycobacterium would look the same on stains:
Mycobacterium bovis
Mycobacterium kansasii
and other mycobacteria

Other bacteria can cause similar lung disease (but look different on stain and culture):
Rhodococcus equii
and other bacteria

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