
What would republicans tell a 60 year old man who is dying from leukemia with mediocre health insurance?

What would republicans tell a 60 year old man who is dying from leukemia with mediocre health insurance?
A Nurse's View of Health Reform

Six weeks is a standard amount of time for new leukemia patients going through their first round of induction chemo. We make them so vulnerable to infection that we keep them in the hospital to ensure quick action if they do get sick. This patient's six weeks turned into two months, and then three months, as one chemo regimen after another made no headway against his disease.

During periods when he was feeling sort of O.K., he was constantly on the phone and the Internet trying to find a way to pay his mounting hospital bills. He told me, "I know there's money out there; I just have to find it." He was confident that he could locate money for his care and that he would "beat" the cancer.

And then I came to work one day, and he was dead as a result of pneumonia.
I have no statistics to support the need for reform; I can only describe what I have seen, because what I have seen brings the discussion of health care reform down to the level of individuals. What do you do when you've used up all your sick days and you're still too sick to go to work? And what if you've reached the cap on your health insurance, need a drug that isn't covered by your plan, or require a scan that you can't possibly pay for?

- jack schitt
probably something like, he chose the health care plan so its his fault

- Anti- Collectivist American
I'd tell him about how Countess Jodhaa Bai was very moved by his situation and that she was willing to pay for 100% of his financial expenses so he could live as long as possible.

- Wendell C
They would tell him that the only person responsible for his care is himself.

- Mystine G
What would a Democrat tell a 60 year old man who is dying from leukemia with health care that he has to wait in line for until the more productive members of society have been taken care of? Then, when he finally gets his treatment, and it's substandard because of lack of progress and incentive, what will the Democrats say when the government couldn't save him with the wonderful health care system?

Oh, right. They will blame it on the doctors and sue.

Oh, yes. The UK and Canadian systems are so just and fair, if you are pro-slavery and pro-stealing from others.

(Wonders why so many people come to America to get quality health care and why so many doctors are leaving the UK to practice in the US. Hmmmm....)

- Dicken C
All I can say is this would not happen in Canada. People with life-threatening illnesses get care right away.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

Orignal From: What would republicans tell a 60 year old man who is dying from leukemia with mediocre health insurance?

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