
Where can the leukemia cells be found in a patient's body?

Where can the leukemia cells be found in a patient's body?

- Danielle D
Leukemia is a disease of the bone marrow, thus it can be found in the bone and is diagnosed via a procedure called bone marrow biopsy.

- Spreedog
"Danielle" above is correct that the malignancy begins in the bone marrow and many of the malignant cells are concentrated there, but once a person has leukemia, the malignant cells circulate through every blood vessel, small and large, throughout the entire body; so the answers is that the malignant leukemia cells are everywhere in the body except the area of the human eye where there are no blood vessels.

- mishymooh
They are found in the bone marrow. My daughter had AML and also had a mass on her chest that was made up of leukemia cells.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

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