
Who else has extremely picky kids?

Who else has extremely picky kids?
My 3 year old is picky to the point that I have to make totally separate meals from ours for her. Tonight we had chicken breast, fries, broccoli, a salad, and mashed potatoes. She would eat none of it, excluding the fries. She had about 5 fries and then I had to heat a hot dog so she would eat half of it. I would attribute it to her juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia but she has always been this way.

Do any of you have kids like this and does it ever frustrate you? My 5 year old eats everything you put in front of her and my 3 9 month olds try but don't always eat most anything you give them.

- Couture x
I'm so sorry for her illness :( I hope she has a speedy recovery and gets better soon. She sounds like a strong little girl. It just sounds like an average case of picky eating to me. Good luck!

- MeggiesMama
My six year old step daughter is like this. Her mom and maternal grandmother always made separate meals for her, which is what I blame it on. We have her full time now that her mother has moved to another state but she still expects me to make a different meal for her. I absolutely refuse to do that. If she won't eat what we're having for dinner then she doesn't get to eat that night. We've never actually gone a night without her eating. She'll go sit in her room and cry for a little while then she comes out and eats what we've made for dinner.

Now, with your child having an illness you may not want to try that tactic, but it has worked for us.

Good luck!

- twilight lover
my four year is like this. maybe is girls because you know girls.my other daughter is not like this.i used to be.im really sorry about her illness. maybe one night you should ask her what she wants for dinner and prepare for the whole family. hope this helps. P.S. maybe its just young girls who have this problem. my neighbors daughter is like this and she is three also

- silverxeno
My 5 yr old is this way. I don't do anything special for her when I make a meal. I make the meal I want my family to eat. If she eats, great. If not...No more food until the next meal.

I read a book that said the best way to fix this is to hand make all your baby foods & give a variety of fruits & veggies. Well, I did it...and my kid is still picky. She only started it when she was about 3. Before that, she ate whatever I put in front of her.

- margie k
Just make whatever you are going to make and whatever she eats, fine. She won't starve. And making special things for her just aggravates the problem. You don't have time for this.

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Orignal From: Who else has extremely picky kids?

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