
Can I import the medicine made from nature ingredients for Cure Cancer (Leukemia) to the United Stated?

Can I import the medicine made from nature ingredients for Cure Cancer (Leukemia) to the United Stated?
I had read and find out we do not have any medicine or treatments to cure the Cancer (Leukemia) in the United Stated.The treatments take 1 year, 2 years, or 3years,but if survive not live long.I know other country had this medicine made from nature ingredients did Cured Cancer (Leukemia) in just 4 months.I know one boy had Leukemia and take this medicine by mouth and Cured.Now he a man still alive after more than 15 years.This medicine had saved many people lives who Leukemia in that country still did to today.I do not know why we in the United Stated not interest in this medicine.We can do the lab test to see this medicine going to cure cancer leukemia or not.If it does cure cancer leukemia then we can test on other cancer likes Lung cancer, breast cancer, or brain cancer etc.We just pay some fee for use this ingredients to cure other cancer, so they do not say we steal idea or know how from them.

- Dinah
A) You should take this to an US investor. You will get a huge investment if this is true, and you will become a billionaire.

b) your intro is WRONG. There are some leukemias that can be cured, and some that can't.

- AKA Inverse Mushroom Cloud
If you attempt to market a substance to "cure" cancer, the FDA can throw you in jail if you have not submitted the data, including clinical trial results, in a New Drug Application (NDA).

So you need to weigh very carefully how badly you want to rip off sick cancer patients. American jails are only a little more fun than those in your country.

Bubba is kind to his lil bltch boys in jail.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

Orignal From: Can I import the medicine made from nature ingredients for Cure Cancer (Leukemia) to the United Stated?

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