
Grandmother and great grandmother died of leukemia at the same age?

Grandmother and great grandmother died of leukemia at the same age?
My grandmother on my dad's side died at 52 of leukemia. Ironically, so did her mother (leukemia at 52). Now I know that leukemia is NOT supposed to be hereditary but should I be tested after 40?

My doctor recently told me that my platelet count is rather low which was weird timing too. I have NO idea what that even means but I'm not going to freak out about it, I'm just curious because when I took genetics in school, we learned that this is NOT a hereditary disease. So what gives? lol

- Meghan
Leukemia may not be hereditary, but for your own peice of mind- get regularly tested anyway.

I would ask your doctor about the low platelet count, and have them do another test to confirm it. If it still reads low, then seek treatment- as simple or as complex as that may be.

- Amaretta
Did your grandmother and great-grand live in the same dwelling for years? Did they drink water from the same well? Since leukemia is not a hereditary disease, perhaps they were both exposed to something environmental, such as benzene. Ask your doctor if leukemia is the kind of thing that would turn up on the standard bloodwork that is done with an annual physical. If so, and you get an annual physical (which you should do after the age of 40), you'll have a way of keeping tabs on the leukemia possibility.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

Orignal From: Grandmother and great grandmother died of leukemia at the same age?

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