
What are the stages of treatment for Leukaemia?

What are the stages of treatment for Leukaemia?
can you please tell me what stages of treatment there are for Leukaemia such as chemotherapy.

- missG


It explains all about leukemia treatment, and different options. Not everybody will treat theirs the same way, since sometimes patients are put in the driver's seats and they can choose what they believe will benefit them most.

- Spreedog
Referring to the answer by "Starstru... " above - - patients are not generally expected to choose their own chemotherapy regimens for leukemias - especially acute leukemias.

It takes at least 13 years of higher education for a hematologist / oncologist to make these decisions. Treatment choices are discussed in detail - or should be - with patients and their concerned family members. Patients do give their informed consent, but we don't ask them to be in the "driver's seat." Patients usually do not have the experience and knowledge to decide what regimen might benefit them most.

There are no "stages" of treatment - or at least we don't use that term.
Malignancies have "stages."
On protocols there may be phases of treatment which will vary depending on the protocol and the type of leukemia.

You do not tell us which type of leukemia.
There are many diverse protocol treatment regimens for each type of leukemia.
There are at least 7 types of AML.
There are also many types of ALL.
Then there is CLL and CML.
Leukemia is not one disease.

Add your own answer in the comments! Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

Do you find what you need? Look here!

Twin Breakthrough In Leukaemia Fight

Scientists say they have moved closer to finding a cure for Leukaemia - without the harmful side effects of treatment. The breakthrough came when a team from the Medical Research Council and the charity Leukaemia Research used identical twins to find the stem cell that causes the disease.

Leukemia Problems Remedies | FIGHT CANCER INFO
Leukemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of this blood-related cancer.

Orignal From: What are the stages of treatment for Leukaemia?

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